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About Us
Our Goal
Bad Day Training
Strives to deliver cutting-edge training and consulting services to meet your organization’s needs. Our ultimate goal is to deliver high-level training to ensure your members are proactively prepared for those Bad Day incidents.
About Us
Our Team

Our team members share a combine total of over 500 years experience in the fields of firefighting, hazardous
materials response, emergency management, and private industry emergency response teams.
Our instructors come from a diverse background, including experience in both the public and private sector.
Furthermore, many of our instructors currently deliver various training programs across the country and have served as
incident commanders at numerous large-scale incidents.
Each of our team members are passionate about their careers and strive to meet your organization’s needs through
customized and relevant training.
About Us

Our Clients
From first responders to private firms, we have the privilege of organizing and delivering training and exercises to meet our clients needs. We have extensive experience with agencies using several grants, including the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness HMEP grant. We have also partnered with many fire departments, EMAs, LEPCs, CST, private industries, and many other agencies to deliver realistic, hands-on training!